The root of mandrake has a rich history in witchcraft, superstition and its medicinal uses. In Harry Potter for instance mandrake is used to neutralize negative spells. Winter...
A beautiful palm from the Philippines with a special trunk and naturally bright red fruits around the end of December. Hence also called Christmas palm. Well suited as a...
These wonderful blue berries reflect the most of all organisms in the world. Therefore they call them the juwels of the forest too. Small plant that can be cultivated as...
Well known from the South African liquor Amarula. The fruits can also be eaten fresh and contain 8 x more vitamin C than an orange. Animals love the fruits as well, and...
Mexican coriander is a well-known herb in the kitchens of Central and South America. It is similar in flavor to the common coriander, but with a stronger taste.
A stunningly beautiful plant with bright red flowers in the shape of a monkey’s hand. Originates from the mountain forests of Guatemala. Can withstand temperatures up to 6 degC.
Fibres of the leaves were formerly used by the Maori for fishing and the young shoots are eaten as a vegetable. It’s a container plant from the cool mountain forests of New...
Papaya species which grows at heights up to 3.000 metres in the Andes, which is why a minimum temperature of 5 degrees Celsius should suffice to grown your own papaya’s.
This decorative Acacia species flowers extravagantly with bright yellow flowers. Sometimes the inflorescence is so heavy with flowers that the branches bend down.
An orange bird of paradise flower with narrow, speared leaves and a slight red accent in the flowers. Keep this species at a minimum temperature of –5 degC.
A climbing container plant from the mountains of Nepal, with large, white trumpet flowers. Can be kept outside at a minimum temperature of -3 degrees Celsius.
Okra is a well-known vegetable in African and Asian cuisine and gives a pleasant, spicy flavor to all kinds of dishes. Plant can be grown as an annual.
Besides paper, the stems were also used for the construction of boats, roofing and rope during the times of ancient Egypt. Papyrus likes to stand in a layer of water as a...
A passionflower with purplish white flowers and orange, sweet passion fruits. The species grows originally in Brazil and can endure lower temperatures to a minimum of 4 degC.
A small banana species with a beautiful pink inflorescence that is followed by sweet pink edible bananas. A nice plant to keep in a container at a minimum of 0 degC.
All bananas in the store come from hybrids of this banana. This is also a hybrid, however, this is a natural one between M. acuminata and M. balbisiana.
The red-black seeds of this South African species are often used for necklaces and bracelets. A mixture of the roots and the bark would bring hunters luck.
A beautiful species from New Zealand with grey-green hairy leaves and elegant red flowers. Subtropical plant that needs a sunny spot and can be kept in a pot.
A wild sunflower species found on rocky soils in the southeastern United States. The plant grows as an annual and blooms at the end of the summer with many golden yellow flowers...
Species from the prairies in North America, with purple-pink flowers that are followed by seeds with long feathers. In the wind, these look like smoke plumes.
Starting during its second year, this plant produces blue flower clusters of up to 45 cm. The plant originally grew in Madeira and can be overwintered at a temperature of at...
Water is stored in the trunk, causing it to swell and take the shape of a bottle. An easily cultivated species that can withstand relatively low temperatures.
Quinoa has been cultivated in the Andes for over 6,000 years, but has only recently become popular as a superfood. It is an easy, annual plant for your garden.
The red cinchona tree has been used as a medicine for fever for centuries and is best known to treat and prevent malaria. The species originates from the humid mountain forests...
A climbing plant from South America with elegant seeds that resemble a hamburger. The seeds are dispersed by the ocean and can be found on beaches all over the world.