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Pink Bauhinia (Bauhinia monandra) Pink Bauhinia (Bauhinia monandra) Pink Bauhinia (Bauhinia monandra)
Pink Bauhinia (Bauhinia monandra)
Pink Bauhinia (Bauhinia monandra)
Pink Bauhinia (Bauhinia monandra)

Pink Bauhinia (Bauhinia monandra)

This little-known orchid tree produces remarkable, pale pink flowers which have a single yellow petal full of red-purple spots. It’s a tropical brush that is native to Madagascar. However, scientists assumed for a long time that the species originated from Birma. In a temperate climate, the plant can be kept as a houseplant in a sunny spot... Read more
Price per 5 seeds
In stock Expected processing time: 1-3 working days
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Product description

This little-known orchid tree produces remarkable, pale pink flowers which have a single yellow petal full of red-purple spots. It’s a tropical brush that is native to Madagascar. However, scientists assumed for a long time that the species originated from Birma. In a temperate climate, the plant can be kept as a houseplant in a sunny spot. In addition, the leaves are extraordinary pretty in the shape of a hoof print or butterfly. During dry periods, the plant loses its leaves. In the tropics, it’s an invasive species that already has caused a lot of problems in Australia. That’s why you can’t cultivate this species in tropical regions.
Sowing description: First soak seeds for 24 hours in water. Sow them in sowing mix at a temperature of 20-25 degC. Keep soil constantly moist.

Photo 1: Bouba (CCA-2.5 Wikipedia)
Photo 2:

Product specification

Scientific name:
Bauhinia monandra
Common name:
Pink Bauhinia
Native to:
Southern Africa
Sowing time:
All year round
Difficulty level:
Minimum temperature:
10 degrees Celsius

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Product specification

Scientific name:
Bauhinia monandra
Common name:
Pink Bauhinia
Native to:
Southern Africa
Sowing time:
All year round
Difficulty level:
Minimum temperature:
10 degrees Celsius
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on the basis of 7 reviews


Na twee weken kwam alles op, ik heb nu, een jaar later nog twee planten over. Fascinerend hoe de bladeren zich elke avond sluiten.


Alles gemakkelijk opgekomen!


de eerste 3 van de 4 gezaaide komen al na 8 dagen boven bij 25 graden, in zandgrond. Ben benieuwd naar de ontwikkeling


Drie van de 5 zaden zijn uitgekomen. De plantjes zijn nog klein (maar ze zijn ook nog jong). Ze hebben mooie bladeren.


Alle zaden zijn snel ontkiemd en de deden het allemaal ook goed in de grond. 1 heb ik er gehouden die nu al meer dan een meter langs is (ongeveer 10 maanden oud).

Ann Peeters

1 zaadje is ontkiemd na enkele weken en doet het goed, de rest nog niet, weet niet of deze nog gaan uitkomen


Planten doen het super!
Ben zo benieuwd naar de bloemetjes die gaan komen.

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