The wood of this species is widely used in Australia as hardwood. It is the ninth tallest tree in the world with a gray trunk and numerous white flowers in summer.
A Passionflower from Australia with a compact growth that grows well as an indoor plant. This species produces plenty of flowers, which colour gradually from yellow to red.
One of the few species in nature with black flowers. These flowers have a yellow heart and grown on a small climbing plant that must be protected against frost.
The Cutnut is an unusual and rare species from Fiji and Vanuatu. The inflorescence can grow up to 1.8 metres long and has distinctive, yellowish to pink hairs.
A beautiful palm from Cape Melville in Australia that has only recently been discovered. Can be kept outside on a sunny spot with a minimum of -4 degrees Celcius. Has large...
The inflorescence may be five meters high and hangs often down by the weight of the bright red flower clusters. Resistant to temperatures up -4 degrees Celsius.
A tree fern from the moist forests of New Zealand which remains smaller compared to the related Tasmanian tree fern. Without protection it can overwinter at a minimum of –5 degC.
Fibres of the leaves were formerly used by the Maori for fishing and the young shoots are eaten as a vegetable. It’s a container plant from the cool mountain forests of New...
This decorative Acacia species flowers extravagantly with bright yellow flowers. Sometimes the inflorescence is so heavy with flowers that the branches bend down.
A beautiful species from New Zealand with grey-green hairy leaves and elegant red flowers. Subtropical plant that needs a sunny spot and can be kept in a pot.
Water is stored in the trunk, causing it to swell and take the shape of a bottle. An easily cultivated species that can withstand relatively low temperatures.
A variety that grows in Australia at an altitude of 1.800 meters on Mount Bogong. The pale green stem has brown stripes and its growth is quite compact. The species is among the...
These seeds come from Mount Buller in Australia where the species occurs up to an altitude of 1.700 meters. The trunk is graceful and the species is among the most hardy...
Species from the dry areas of Western Australia, which has alluring bright red flowers. These flowers bloom above the climbing stems and create an interesting contrast with...
Occurs on rocky soils in southern Tasmania up to a height of 1.300 meters. The leaves are lanceolate and the trunk is grey-white and brown. Hardy species.
This tree fern originates from the humid cloud forests and along rivers in Tasmania. Without protection it can withstand a minimum of –5 degrees Celsius.
Famous for its tea tree oil that is commonly used in cosmetics and has an antibacterial function. Keep the species as a container plant at a minimum of 5 degC.
The yellow flowers are pollinated by birds in Australia which can reach the nectar with their long beaks. A beautiful, compact plant for the patio or balcony.