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Tropical / Special flowers

These are plants from tropical areas with unusual flowers. They are suitable as indoor plant. 

African Tulip Tree (Spathodea campanulata)

The large, red-orange flowers contain much nectar and water, making them popular with birds in the tropics.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Aroid (Amorphophallus asper)

A rare species with small populations in the rainforests of Sumatra in Indonesia.

€ 8,00 per germinated seed
Aroid (Amorphophallus borneensis)

A relatively large Amorphophallus species from Borneo.

€ 10,00 per germinated seed
Aroid (Amorphophallus costatus)

Rare Amorphophallus species with a dark brown-purple inflorescence.

€ 10,00 per germinated seed
Aroid (Amorphophallus decus-silvae)

This species is among the largest Amorphophallus species and is similar in size to the well-known Amorphophallus titanum.

€ 15,00 per germinated seed
Aroid (Amorphophallus discophorus)

This is a very rare Amorphophallus species endemic to Java.

€ 25,00 per germinated seed
Aroid (Amorphophallus gigas)

This rare Amorphophallus species originates inthe lowland rainforests of Sumatra and produces a gigantic inflorescence, sometimes up to 3 meters tall.

€ 7,00 per germinated seed
Aroid (Amorphophallus hirsutus)

This is a distinctive Amorphophallus species because the spadix remains in the spathal chamber like a lid.

€ 12,00 per germinated seed
Aroid (Amorphophallus lambii)

A rare Amorphophallus species with populations in the south and north of Borneo.

€ 10,00 per germinated seed
Aroid (Amorphophallus muelleri)

This Amorphophallus species is kept in Southeast Asia for its edible tuber.

€ 6,00 per germinated seed
Aroid (Amorphophallus plicatus)

This is a very rare Amorphophallus species that naturally occurs only on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia.

€ 15,00 per germinated seed
Aroid (Amorphophallus prainii)

This Amorphophallus species produces a striking, white inflorescence.

€ 10,00 per germinated seed
Aroid (Amorphophallus raungense)

This Amorphophallus species was only recently discovered in Indonesia.

€ 18,00 per germinated seed
Aroid (Amorphophallus tenuistylis)

Very rare Amorphophallus species with a striking silvery petiole with black spots.

€ 5,00 per 2 germinated seeds
Aroid (Amorphophallus variabilis)

This is a relatively small and easy to care for Amorphophallus species

€ 5,00 per germinated seed
Ashoka (Saraca asoca)

The ashoka is a remarkable and sacred species from the rainforests of India.

€ 5,00 per seed
Australian frangipani (Hymenosporum flavum)

The 5 cm big flowers grow in clusters and produce a wonderful fragrance similar to the normal frangipani.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Australian Passionflower (Passiflora aurantia)

A Passionflower from Australia with a compact growth that grows well as an indoor plant. This species produces plenty of flowers, which colour gradually from yellow to red.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Beccari's aroid (Amorphophallus beccarii)

This is a very rare Amorphophallus from the rainforest in northern and western Sumatra.

€ 20,00 per germinated seed
Bell Stapelia (Stapelia leendertziae)

An unusual carrion flower with bell shaped purple flowers of up to 12cm large. A rare species with populations in South Africa and Swaziland.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Benstonea (Benstonea thwaitesii)

This rare screw palm species is found in dense, moist forests along the coast of Sri Lanka and India.

€ 4,00 per seed
Big Batwing Passionflower (Passiflora megacoriacea)

The big batwing passionflower has striking leaves that resemble batwings with their transverse shape and leathery texture.

€ 6,00 per 5 seeds
Black Batflower (Tacca chantrieri)

The peculiar black flowers are associated with bats and grow on stems up to 70 cm. The plant is a suitable houseplant, reaching a height of around 1 meter.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Black Hamburger Bean (Mucuna holtonii)

A tropical climber with creamy white flowers that hang from long stems, and are pollinated by bats. The seeds can float and are dispersed by the ocean all over the world.

€ 4,00 per 2 seeds
Black Jade Vine (Mucuna nigricans)

Rare, spectacular climber plant from Eastern Asia. Black purple flowers grow in clusters of 30 cm. Plant is suitable for a subtropical or tropical climate.

€ 8,00 per seed
Butterfly Pea (Clitoria ternatea)

The beautiful, deep blue flowers are used in Asia to colour tea and certain rice dishes blue. An easy climber for indoors or a greenhouse.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Calabash Nutmeg (Monodora myristica)

The peculiar flowers are spotted red and yellow, and resemble the flowers of an orchid. This species originates in Africa and is very rare.

€ 8,00 per 5 seeds
Captaincookia (Ixora margaretae)

The bright pink flowers of this species grow on the stem and bloom many at a time.

€ 8,00 per germinated seed
Carrion Flower (Stapelia hirsuta)

A species with beautiful dark red flowers, which in nature are pollinated by flies.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Chenille plant (Acalypha hispida)

This plant has a striking inflorescence. Hundreds of brightly colored red-pink flowers grow in catkins of up to 50 cm long.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Corkscrew Vine (Cochliasanthus caracalla)

A tropical vine with unusual asymmetric curled flowers that produce a good fragrance. Minimum temperature of 10 degC.  

€ 6,00 per 5 seeds
Cyrtosperma (Cyrtosperma hambalii)

The leaves of this rare species have a special shape, resembling rabbit ears.

€ 15,00 per germinated seed
Decary's flamboyant (Delonix decaryi)

Rare species from southern Madagascar with a striking thickened trunk. The flowers are a colourful mix of white petals, a yellow spot and red stamens.

€ 4,50 per 5 seeds
Desert Rose (Adenium obesum)

A striking appearance in the Sahel desert with a swollen trunk and graceful pink-white flowers. An easy potplant that can also be grown as a bonsai.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Dhobi tree (Mussaenda frondosa)

The flowers of this small shrub are orange-yellow, but the large, white sepals are much more striking.

€ 5,00 per 10 seeds
Elephant Yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius)

Overwhelmingly beautiful flower that looks like the famous giant arum in botanical gardens, but can easily be grown.

€ 6,00 per 3 germinated seeds
Frangipani (Plumeria rubra)

The beautiful flowers spread a wonderful smell and have been used for perfumes for hundreds of years. It is a special plant for a sunny spot.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Giant Carrion Flower (Stapelia grandiflora)

The red-purple flowers can grow up to 15 cm and grow on an easy-to-keep succulent.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Giant Granadilla (Passiflora quadrangularis)

The giant granadilla is the largest passionflower and can grow 15 meters per year. The flowers are quite large, reaching a diameter of around 10 cm. The sweet and edible fruits...

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Godapara (Dillenia retusa)

The flowers of the godapara can reach 8 cm in size and have 5 beautifully shaped, white petals.

€ 6,00 per 5 seeds
Golden Fuchsia (Deppea splendens)

A very rare species from southern Mexico, with beautiful flowers. The tropical species is extinct in nature, but was saved by a botanist. Suitable as indoor plant.

€ 10,00 per 5 seeds
Gul Mohur flamboyant (Delonix elata)

The Gul Mohur flamboyant is a beautiful tall narrow flamboyant species with pinnate leaves and white flowers.

€ 4,50 per 5 seeds
Hamburger Bean (Mucuna sloanei)

The seeds of this climbing plant have a hard seed wall, to protect them on their journey overseas. The decorative seeds are often used for jewelry.

€ 5,00 per 3 seeds
Hedgehog Lily (Massonia depressa)

A peculiar plant from South Africa with two leaves and a spiky cluster of flowers in the center. The flowers are pollinated by rodents.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Hewitt's Aroid (Amorphophallus hewittii)

This very rare arum species grows in the tropical rain forests of Borneo and has one of the biggest inflorescences of the Amorphophallus genus.

€ 8,00 per germinated seed
Injo Passionflower (Passiflora ambigua)

This species has even been grown by the Maya’s for their 5 cm large, orange-yellow edible fruits. The plants can still be found on old Maya temples.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Jackal Food (Hydnora africana)

Bizarre, parasitic plant from South Africa which only appears above ground with its flowers. The flowers occur with sharp teeth in the video games of Super Mario, but aren’t...

€ 8,00 per 10 seeds
Jade vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys)

The blue-green, turquoise colour of the flowers looks extraordinary.

€ 22,00 per germinated seed
Jatsalpan (Phyllodium pulchellum)

This medicinal plant has a unique inflorescence with fairly large, green, overlapping bracts.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Jungle geranium (Ixora coccinea)

The jungle geranium is a small shrub from India and Sri Lanka that can also bloom easily in a pot.

€ 5,00 per 5 seeds
Kumbhi Tree (Careya arborea)

The flowers of the kumbhi tree look unusual because of the protruding stamens.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Mexican flamevine (Pseudogynoxys chenopodioides)

The Mexican flamevine is an ornamental plant prized for its vibrant flowers. The bright orange flowers appear from late spring to early autumn.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Mickey Mouse plant (Ochna thomasiana)

The ripe black fruits form a good contrast against the bright red sepals, which makes it look a bit like Mickey Mouse.

€ 4,00 per 3 seeds
Mucuna (Mucuna sp. 'Bengkulu')

This large climbing plant comes from the rainforest of the province Bengkulu, on the west coast of Sumatra.

€ 6,00 per seed
Passionflower (Passiflora capsularis)

A small passionflower white flowers and red, ribbed fruits that burst open upon ripening. Can be grown as an indoor or container plant.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Pelican Flower (Aristolochia grandiflora)

This large tropical climbing plant produces spectacular flowers with a total length of up to 60 cm. However, the smell is very unpleasant.

€ 5,00 per 5 seeds
Persian Carpet Flower (Edithcolea grandis)

The individual flowers of this species resemble the pattern of a Persian carpet. It is an easy plant that can tolerate drought well.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Pink Bauhinia (Bauhinia monandra)

The pale pink flowers gave one yellow petal full of red-purple spots. A tropical plant from Madagascar with leaves in the shape of a butterfly.

€ 3,50 per 5 seeds
Pink Shower Tree (Cassia grandis)

The clusters of pink flowers are a striking sight in the rainforest of Central America.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Queen of the Night (Selenicereus grandiflorus)

The spectacular flowers of this climbing cactus only open during one night and are up to 30 cm in size.

€ 4,00 per 20 seeds
Red Jade Vine (Mucuna bennettii)

The bright red flowers of this rare climbing plant are quite spectacular and appear in large, hanging clusters.

€ 10,00 per seed
Rouge de Réunion (Strongylodon siderospermum)

An incredibly beautiful and rare tropical climbing plant from the Réunion island with up to 40 cm large flower clusters.

€ 8,00 per seed
Saba Ling (Mucuna macrocarpa)

A rare climber from south-east Asia, with purple/yellow flower trusses, and seeds that are dispersed by water.

€ 4,00 per seed
Scarlet Banana (Musa coccinea)

The beautiful red bracts that surround the yellow flowers make this banana species a very decorative indoor plant. The small orange fruits are not edible.

€ 5,00 per 5 seeds
Swamp Clivia (Clivia robusta)

The swamp clivia produces special orange flowers with green tips and also does this quite easily as a houseplant.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Sweet Snakeskin Lily (Amorphophallus galbra)

The spathe and petioles of this species are very mottled, which is why the plant was named after a snakeskin.

€ 15,00 per germinated seed
Titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum)

This rare and exceptional species produces the largest unbranched inflorescence in the world.

€ 12,00 per germinated seed
Tree Passion Flower (Passiflora macrophylla)

A rare passion flower from the jungles of Ecuador that grows as a tree instead of a climber. The tropical tree can grow leaves up to 1 metre long! Can be kept in a pot.

€ 6,00 per 5 seeds
Tropical Cobra Lily (Arisaema barbatum)

The inflorescence is mainly white-green in colour, but a dark mottled pattern is usually visible around the spathe.

€ 8,00 per germinated seed
Tropical Cobra lily (Arisaema filiforme)

This rare Arisaema species is found in the rainforests of Indonesia.

€ 8,00 per germinated seed
Velvet Bean (Mucuna pruriens)

The seeds have an important role in Hindu medicine, and grow in pods with velvety soft hairs. It is a tropical climbing plant that also grows well as an annual plant.

€ 3,50 per 5 seeds
Velvet Bean (Mucuna sempervirens)

The flower trusses with beautiful purple/yellow flowers grow directly from the stem and can be up to 35 cm big.

€ 4,00 per 2 seeds
Victoria Water Lily (Victoria amazonica)

The leaf of this enormous water lily can grow up to 2 meters wide and bear 40 kg. The large flowers smell like pineapple and bloom for two nights.

€ 10,00 per 5 seeds
Wercklea (Wercklea ferox)

A tropical plant from the rainforest of Costa Rica, with decorative leaves and yellow flowers that have the shape of a windmill.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
White Batflower (Tacca integrifolia)

A tropical plant from Southeast Asia, which has peculiar white flowers that resemble the shape of a bat.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
White frangipani (Plumeria alba)

The flowers of the plumeria alba are as extraordinary as those of plumeria rubra. The white flowers, with a yellow center, are accompanied by an amazing smell.

€ 4,50 per 5 seeds
Winged-stem Passionflower (Passiflora alata)

A small species with reddish purple flowers and yellow orange, delicious passion fruit. The stems are winged.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Woodland Passionflower (Passiflora morifolia)

A small passionflower from the dryer forests of South America with white/purple flowers. Grows well as an indoor or container plant at a minimum of 0 degC.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Yellow pitahaya (Hylocereus megalanthus)

The yellow pitahaya or yellow dragonfruit is a delicious sweet fruit with a yellow peel and white pulp. Easy plant to take care of.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata)

The flowers emit a lovely scent in the evening, so this species is ideal as a houseplant. The species is especially known for its oil which is extracted from the flowers.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Zulu Giant (Stapelia gigantea)

This carrion flower produces yellow-red flowers of up to 40cm large: the largest of all Stapelia flowers! An easy succulent for a sunny spot.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds

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