Small annual shrub from Asia that has an important role in traditional medicine practices of the Ayurveda in India. Grows well in a pot or in the garden.
In 2007, this pepper from north-eastern India was declared the hottest pepper in the world. A very small piece is enough to make a dish extremely spicy. Great to try out.
An annual climbing plant from Asia with edible fruits. The fruits are often used in the Asian cuisine. Tripe fruits are orange/yellow and have beautiful red seeds.
The peculiar black flowers are associated with bats and grow on stems up to 70 cm. The plant is a suitable houseplant, reaching a height of around 1 meter.
Rare, spectacular climber plant from Eastern Asia. Black purple flowers grow in clusters of 30 cm. Plant is suitable for a subtropical or tropical climate.
A sacred tree from India, where Buddha would have experienced his enlightenment. A copy on Sri Lanka is currently the oldest living plant flower in the world.
This rare vine is a leguminous species that produces the largest leguminous seed in the world. The seeds can reach a size of more than 11 cm long and 6 cm wide.
Green to yellow, star-shaped fruits with juicy, sweet-sour fruit flesh. Leaf reacts to light and abrupt movement, after which it can close itself. Plant can withstand light frost.
The seeds all exactly weigh 0.2 grams (or 1 carat). Formerly, they were widely used for weighing diamonds and gold. Container plant which can withstand light frost.
A type of banana with whitish green fruits, which can be kept outside throughout the winter when packed in isolating material and kept at a sheltered spot.
The leaves of the curry tree are used in the Indian kitchen to make curries. The leaves can best be eaten fresh, and the plant can be grown as an indoor plant.
A small, attractive palm of Taiwan with decorative foliage and red-orange flowers which spread a sweet fragrance. Maintain a minimum of -5 degrees Celsius.
This graceful palm species comes from the tropical regions of Southeast Asia and is particularly notable for its decorative foliage. The triangular and frayed shape is...
The red berries of this plant taste sweet, sour, salty, pungent (spicy) and bitter all at once. They are known as 1 of 50 fundamental herbs of traditional Chinese medicine.