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Pelican Flower (Aristolochia grandiflora) Pelican Flower (Aristolochia grandiflora) Pelican Flower (Aristolochia grandiflora) Pelican Flower (Aristolochia grandiflora)
Pelican Flower (Aristolochia grandiflora)
Pelican Flower (Aristolochia grandiflora)
Pelican Flower (Aristolochia grandiflora)
Pelican Flower (Aristolochia grandiflora)

Pelican Flower (Aristolochia grandiflora)

This large tropical climbing plant produces spectacular flowers. With a total length of up to 60 cm. these flowers are among the largest in the world. In order to attract flies for pollination, the smell is very unpleasant and resembles that of rotting meat. The center of the flower is dark and has a texture reminiscent of an animal's fur. Th.. Read more
Price per 5 seeds
In stock Expected processing time: 1-3 working days
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Product description

This large tropical climbing plant produces spectacular flowers. With a total length of up to 60 cm. these flowers are among the largest in the world. In order to attract flies for pollination, the smell is very unpleasant and resembles that of rotting meat. The center of the flower is dark and has a texture reminiscent of an animal's fur. The smell and texture are an irresistible combination for flies. They crawl into the flower and are guided deep into the flower by the scent. Inwardly directed hairs prevent them from escaping immediately, after which they first leave any pollen residue from other flowers on the stigma. Deeper in the flower, new pollen grains stick to the flies and they also receive nectar to get through the night. After being trapped in the flower for 2 days, the inward-facing hairs dry up and the flies can escape again. Covered with pollen grains for the residence in the next flower. The flower withers after the visit, after which a fruit is formed.

The species can be kept as a houseplant, but can grow quite large. When able, it is definitely recommended. And otherwise, you can find the species in tropical greenhouses of various botanical gardens.

Sowing instructions: First soak the seeds for 24 hours in warm water and then placed them on the surface of sowing and cutting soil. Keep completely moist and at 25-30 degrees Celsius. Germination usually takes a few weeks, but can also take longer.


Product specification

Scientific name:
Aristolochia grandiflora
Common name:
Pelican flower
Native to:
Central America
Sowing time:
All year round
Difficulty level:
Minimum temperature:
10 degrees Celsius

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Product specification

Scientific name:
Aristolochia grandiflora
Common name:
Pelican flower
Native to:
Central America
Sowing time:
All year round
Difficulty level:
Minimum temperature:
10 degrees Celsius
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Begin was moeizaam heb zo gedaan wat in de beschrijving stond.een maal dat de zaden ontkiemt waren ging het razend snel.denk nu na paar maanden verder tezijn is de plant echt geroeid. z,n 2 meter met heel veel uitlopers hij staat buiten tegen eind augustus haal ik hem binnen dan is de overgang kwa warmte niet zo groot nu wachten en hopen dat ik er prachtige bloemen in krijg ik hou jullie op de hoogte.


Vorig jaar in augustus gezaaid en nu, iets meer dan 8 maanden later, is de eerste bloem al geopend. Een hele interessante soort om op te kweken, die als vrij compacte kamerplant al tot bloei kan komen.