Cocoa beans are the main ingredient for chocolate. They grow in a white pulp within the cocoafruit which grows on the stem of the cocoa tree. Can nicely be grown as an indoor...
Very remarkable and rare species from Ecuador. Young leaves are first red-purple and white spotted and then change in colour through red-green to fully green.
The leaves of the curry tree are used in the Indian kitchen to make curries. The leaves can best be eaten fresh, and the plant can be grown as an indoor plant.
The Cutnut is an unusual and rare species from Fiji and Vanuatu. The inflorescence can grow up to 1.8 metres long and has distinctive, yellowish to pink hairs.
The national tree of Costa Rica produces brown, coiled pods with ornate seeds. The seeds are often used for jewellery and the natural way it spreads is as of today still unknown.
This graceful palm species comes from the tropical regions of Southeast Asia and is particularly notable for its decorative foliage. The triangular and frayed shape is...
The giant granadilla is the largest passionflower and can grow 15 meters per year. The flowers are quite large, reaching a diameter of around 10 cm. The sweet and edible fruits...
A very rare species from southern Mexico, with beautiful flowers. The tropical species is extinct in nature, but was saved by a botanist. Suitable as indoor plant.
The trunk, bark and leaves contain a substance which plays an important role in Chinese medicine. In China and Tibet, people are convinced that this plant makes them happy.
The species starts as an epiphyte and produces aerial roots that form into woody stems and thus can take the place of its previous host. Also performs well as a houseplant.
Bizarre, parasitic plant from South Africa which only appears above ground with its flowers. The flowers occur with sharp teeth in the video games of Super Mario, but aren’t...
This might be one of the most spectacular and beautiful palm trees in the world. In the rainforest the enormous fan-shaped leaves grow from the ground up to heights of even 6...
A rare species from north-western Thailand with rather short, broad leaves and a coloured midrib. Overwintering is possible at a temperature of at least 5 degrees Celsius.
Formerly, cola was made from the nuts of this plant. And it’s quite possible Coca Cola still uses the cola tree for its secret recipe. It’s a rare, tropical plant from Africa.
Coffee from the Kona district on Hawaii, where fertile volcanic ground provides excellent soil for growing great coffee. It’s one of the most expensive coffee species in the world.
An annual plant with very aromatic leaves that taste like a combination of mint and apple. The leaves can be used as a vegetable in a variety of Korean dishes.
The Lamba is an exceptional houseplant with fascinating characteristics. it grows as a small herbaceous species on the forest floor and produces edible, flavour altering fruits.
This species is seen by many as the most beautiful palm species in the world. This is not only because of its unusual bright red trunk and leaf stem, but the leaves are also...
A beautiful palm from the Philippines with a special trunk and naturally bright red fruits around the end of December. Hence also called Christmas palm. Well suited as a...
These wonderful blue berries reflect the most of all organisms in the world. Therefore they call them the juwels of the forest too. Small plant that can be cultivated as...