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Frankincense Tree (Boswellia sacra) Frankincense Tree (Boswellia sacra) Frankincense Tree (Boswellia sacra) Frankincense Tree (Boswellia sacra)
Frankincense Tree (Boswellia sacra)
Frankincense Tree (Boswellia sacra)
Frankincense Tree (Boswellia sacra)
Frankincense Tree (Boswellia sacra)

Frankincense Tree (Boswellia sacra)

Frankincense is known to everyone, but did you know that is extracted from the frankincense tree? The fragrant resin is produced in the bark of this tree against wounds and can be harvested for use as incense. However, this beautiful tree is threatened in its existence due to among others the rapid advance of agricultural areas, forest fires and .. Read more
Price per 5 seeds
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Product description

Frankincense is known to everyone, but did you know that is extracted from the frankincense tree? The fragrant resin is produced in the bark of this tree against wounds and can be harvested for use as incense. However, this beautiful tree is threatened in its existence due to among others the rapid advance of agricultural areas, forest fires and logging. Climate change, mismanagement and the lack of regeneration don’t help preserving this species either. You can keep the frankincense tree as a houseplant or place it outside in a sheltered, sunny spot during summer. The minimum temperature for the species lies between 0 and 5 degrees Celsius, but it’s best that you keep the plant at a temperature of at least 15 degrees.

Sowing description: The germination percentage of the frankincense tree is low, around 10%. This is also a reason why new recruits are missing in nature. Nevertheless, you should try it, because there certainly are seeds which will germinate. To achieve the best germination, you should soak the seeds in water for 24 hours in room temperature, and then sow them in sowing mix at a temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius. The seeds only have to be very lightly covered with soil. It’s best to spray some water on the soil every morning, so that the upper lay becomes moist. This can dry up later in the afternoon or evening, after which you water the soil again in the morning. On this way, you can simulate the morning fog that often comes up in its original habitat. Good luck!

Photo 2: Maria via Flickr

Product specification

Scientific name:
Boswellia sacra
Common name:
Frankincense tree / Olibanum tree
Native to:
Oman, Yemen
Sowing time:
All year round
Difficulty level:
Minimum temperature:
15 degrees Celsius

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Product specification

Scientific name:
Boswellia sacra
Common name:
Frankincense tree / Olibanum tree
Native to:
Oman, Yemen
Sowing time:
All year round
Difficulty level:
Minimum temperature:
15 degrees Celsius
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on the basis of 9 reviews


I guess I'm just unlucky... ordered twice but not a single seed sprouted. I'll try one last time next time I order because I love the idea of growing Boswellia and post an update should any seeds sprout.


Hello, I already have a sprouted plant of 15 seeds for now. It took about 2 weeks at a temperature of about 19 degrees and about 3 times out when the temperatures were around 26 degrees. The most interesting thing was that the visible germination was inside the room for the last three days at about 20 degrees.


Helaas heb ik pech gehad. Twee maal besteld, maar bij beide porties zaad slechts drijvende (levenloze) zaden. Misschien probeer ik het nog eens, want het lijkt me bijzonder om een wierookboompje op te kweken.


Na 7 dagen waren er al 2 van de 5 uitgekomen.
Overige zaden zijn later ook niet gekiemd maar dit is een resultaat om erg tevreden mee te zijn:)


Helaas, geen van de zaden uitgekomen. Had me strikt aan het uitdrogen/bewateren gehouden, maar helaas geen geluk gehad.


Out of 10 seeds, two sprouted. They were in a cold draft over night and died. Room temp appeared to be 19c, but with the draft it may have been too cold.


Ik had eveneens een portie van 5 zaden besteld, 24u geweekt in water, gewoon in zaai/stekgrond uitgezaaid op 19 juli en hield me aan het dagelijkse sproeien/uitdrogen regime. Een week later was er net de warmste dag ooit gemeten, dus de temperatuur in de kamer liep toen op tot ongeveer 40 graden...
Maar op 29 juli stak er eentje zijn kopje boven, nu ons best doen het kiemertje blij te houden.


had 1 zakje besteld van 5 zaden.
Vervolgens had ik de zaden 24 uur laten weken in een bakje met water boven de verwarming in mijn warmste kamer.
Van de 5 zaden was er maar 1 naar de bodem gezonken na de 24 uur en de rest bleef drijven.
De zaden vervolgens uitgezaaid in een zaaikasje in een mengsel van 50/50 zaai en stekgrond en vermiculiet op 27 Maart.
Op 1 April meende ik al iets van een kiemplantje te zien, maar was nog niet zeker, 2 April nogmaals gekeken en het bleek toch echt een kiemplantje van de Boswellia Sacra te zijn.
Heel trots gezien de lage kiemingspercentage.
Nu proberen het te laten opgroeien tot een mooi boompje.


Van mijn 25 Boswellia Sacra zijn er inmiddels 3 gekiemd. dat is bij deze zaden een hoog kieming percentage. Ik ga mijn best doen om er mooie boompjes van te maken.

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