Mexican coriander is a well-known herb in the kitchens of Central and South America. It is similar in flavor to the common coriander, but with a stronger taste.
Besides paper, the stems were also used for the construction of boats, roofing and rope during the times of ancient Egypt. Papyrus likes to stand in a layer of water as a...
All bananas in the store come from hybrids of this banana. This is also a hybrid, however, this is a natural one between M. acuminata and M. balbisiana.
The red-black seeds of this South African species are often used for necklaces and bracelets. A mixture of the roots and the bark would bring hunters luck.
The red cinchona tree has been used as a medicine for fever for centuries and is best known to treat and prevent malaria. The species originates from the humid mountain forests...
A climbing plant from South America with elegant seeds that resemble a hamburger. The seeds are dispersed by the ocean and can be found on beaches all over the world.
This species contains more caffeine, therefore the coffee tastes a little bit more bitter. Robusta coffee is often blended with Arabica, providing an optimal taste and a layer...
The seeds of this species are of great religious significance in Hinduism and Buddhism. They are often worn as a prayer chain and would provide protection by Lord Shiva.
In Peru, a healthy oil is pressed from the seeds full of omega fatty acids and vitamins A and E. A small climbing plant for the home or as an annual in a greenhouse.
The gourd-like fruit of this species bursts with tremendous strength and loud noise apart. The seeds are fired off at a speed of 250 km/h, so that they can spread up to 100...
The beautiful red bracts that surround the yellow flowers make this banana species a very decorative indoor plant. The small orange fruits are not edible.
Large heart-shaped seeds that spread throughout the entire world via the sea currents and originate from the Amazon. One of the most special seed varieties in the world.
The Sri Lanka mango is a rare wild mango species which is not cultivated and found only in Sri Lanka. The mangoes are deliciously juicy and have a sweet taste.
The stilt palm is an unusual palm from the tropical forests of the Seychelles and is particularly notable for its roots that form stilts above the ground.
The actual tabacco plant, of which tabacco has been produced for over hundreds of years.
It is a decorative plant with big leaves (up to 60 cm), that grows well as an annual...
Teak is a very durable tropical hardwood tree from south-east Asia and is used for a variety of wood applications. The leaves are large and haired on the bottom.
The leaves of this species are constantly moving under the influence of light and vibration. This goes so fast that it is visible to the naked eye. Quite a wonderful plant.
An interesting plant to grow indoors, with small leaves that fold inward when touched or shaken. The movement is so fast that it scares away herbivores.
A rare passion flower from the jungles of Ecuador that grows as a tree instead of a climber. The tropical tree can grow leaves up to 1 metre long! Can be kept in a pot.
The seeds have an important role in Hindu medicine, and grow in pods with velvety soft hairs. It is a tropical climbing plant that also grows well as an annual plant.
The Vietnamese Paradise Palm is a rare palm species that is endangered in the wilde and has beautiful spotted fan-shaped leaves that can grow up to 1 m wide.