This Ptychosperma is an elegantly pinnate palm from the tropical forests of the Solomon Islands. Its leaves can grow up to 3.5 metres long and hang down gracefully. This relatively rare palm species has a narrow trunk and can grow up to 12 metres tall in the wild. Older palms produce an inflorescense of yellowish-white small flowers followed by green to red coloured fruits. As the palm ages you can clearly see the scars of old leaves.
It is an ornamental palm as a houseplant and is a relatively fast grower. Provide well-draining soil and a position with plenty of indirect sunlight. As the palm ages it can tolerate more light than when it is still young due to its tropical origin. Water regularly.
Sowing instructions: On receipt of the germinated seeds, sow immediately in soil for sowing. Keep the soil constantly slightly moist and put away in a place with plenty of indirect sunlight. Avoid too much direct sunlight. The ideal temperature for initial development is between 20 and 25 grC.