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Here you can find all seeds in alphabetical order. There are filters on the right you can use to easily find species that match your requirements. 

Are you a plant expert? 
Here is a full overview of our product range in Latin and common English names.  

Fried-egg-tree (Oncoba spinosa)

The white flowers have a center of numerous yellow stamens, and is therefore a.o. in Zimbabwe called the ‘fried-egg-tree’.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Giant Ash (Eucalyptus regnans)

This 99.6m high eucalyptus is the highest angiosperm in the world. Only the Sequoia sempervirens is as a gymnosperm even higher. Partially hardy.

€ 4,00 per portion of seeds
Giant baobab (Adansonia grandidieri)

The largest baobab species in the world faces a significant threat from habitat loss due to agricultural expansion, putting it at risk of extinction.

€ 6,00 per 3 seeds
Giant Carrion Flower (Stapelia grandiflora)

The red-purple flowers can grow up to 15 cm and grow on an easy-to-keep succulent.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Giant Elephant Ear (Leucocasia gigantea 'Thailand Giant')

This species produces leaves that are truly gigantic: in tropical enviroments they can grow up to a size of 180 cm!

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Giant Granadilla (Passiflora quadrangularis)

The giant granadilla is the largest passionflower and can grow 15 meters per year. The flowers are quite large, reaching a diameter of around 10 cm. The sweet and edible fruits...

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Giant Highland Banana (Musa ingens)

The Giant Highland Banana is the largest banana species and thereby also the largest herbaceous plant in the world.

€ 10,00 per 3 seeds
Giant Honey Flower (Melianthus major)

The large trusses produce sticky nectar to attract birds for pollination. The plant warns for its toxicit by producing a peanutbutter-like smell.  

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Giant Redwood (Sequoiadendron giganteum)

The most massive tree on earth, with a thick red/brown bark to protect them from forest fires. The heaviest individual currently weighs around 2000 tons.

€ 3,50 per 20 seeds
Giant Spear Lily (Doryanthes palmeri)

The inflorescence may be five meters high and hangs often down by the weight of the bright red flower clusters. Resistant to temperatures up -4 degrees Celsius.

€ 3,50 per 5 seeds
Giant Swamp Taro (Cyrtosperma merkusii)

The Giant Swamp Taro grows along streams, rivers and in patches of forest that regularly flood.

€ 10,00 per germinated seed
Giant White Bird of Paradise Flower (Strelitzia nicolai)

A beautiful species from South Africa to grow in a tub, at a minimum temperature of 0 degC. The species produces white flowers with a light blue bract.

€ 3,50 per 5 seeds
Gift Card

Want to give special seeds as a gift? But difficult to choose which one? Then give a gift voucher as a present!

€ 10,00 per piece
Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)

The ginkgo is a living fossil that should have been formed over 250 million years ago. It is the oldest species of seed plants in the world.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Godapara (Dillenia retusa)

The flowers of the godapara can reach 8 cm in size and have 5 beautifully shaped, white petals.

€ 6,00 per 5 seeds
Goji Berry (Lycium barbarum)

A hardy plant form china with orange/red berries, which contain many antioxidants and vitamins. The berries can be processed in juices, or can be dried and used as raisins.

€ 3,50 per portion of seeds
Gold-dust-Alocasia (Alocasia aequiloba 'Gold Dust')

Many golden spots appear on the glossy, dark green leaves, as if the leaf has paint splatters.

€ 15,00 per germinated seed
Golden Champaca (Magnolia champaca)

The yellow/golden flowers spread a delicious smell throughout the whole garden. The flowers are often used in the production of expensive perfumes.

€ 3,50 per 5 seeds
Golden Fuchsia (Deppea splendens)

A very rare species from southern Mexico, with beautiful flowers. The tropical species is extinct in nature, but was saved by a botanist. Suitable as indoor plant.

€ 10,00 per 5 seeds
Golden Lotus Banana (Musella lasiocarpa)

The inflorescence of this species is overwhelming, with a big yellow flower that can bloom for a whole year and spreads a delicious smell.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Golden Tree Fern (Dicksonia fibrosa)

A tree fern from the moist forests of New Zealand which remains smaller compared to the related Tasmanian tree fern. Without protection it can overwinter at a minimum of –5 degC.

€ 4,00 per portion of spores
Goldleaf Bauhinia (Phanera aureifolia)

The young leaves of this special species have a red color and only later change to green.

€ 6,00 per 3 seeds
Goraka (Garcinia gummi-gutta)

The fruits of this tropical species are a well-known ingredient in Asia for many different curry recipes.

€ 4,00 per 3 seeds
Gray Nickernut (Caesalpinia bonduc)

The grey, graceful seeds are used for jewellery and various mancala board games. The seeds grow in spinose pods on a tropical climber.

€ 5,00 per 5 seeds
Green bird flower (Crotalaria cunninghamii)

The interesting green flowers of this plant closely resemble a small hummingbird.

€ 5,00 per 5 seeds
Guava (Psidium guajava)

The yellow-green guavas taste sweet and sour and resemble a strawberry in taste.

€ 3,50 per 20 seeds
Gul Mohur flamboyant (Delonix elata)

The Gul Mohur flamboyant is a beautiful tall narrow flamboyant species with pinnate leaves and white flowers.

€ 4,50 per 5 seeds
Gymea Lily (Doryanthes excelsa)

An Australian plant with clusters of bright red flowers on a long stem. Easily kept species at a minimum of 7 degrees Celsius.

€ 3,50 per 5 seeds
Hairpin Banksia (Banksia spinulosa)

The inflorescence of this Banksia species looks very special, can be up to 15cm in height, and consists of hundreds of individual flowers.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Hamburger Bean (Mucuna sloanei)

The seeds of this climbing plant have a hard seed wall, to protect them on their journey overseas. The decorative seeds are often used for jewelry.

€ 5,00 per 3 seeds
Happy Tree (Camptotheca acuminata)

The trunk, bark and leaves contain a substance which plays an important role in Chinese medicine. In China and Tibet, people are convinced that this plant makes them happy.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Heatpack for your shipment (40h)

For protection of seeds at low outside temperatures.

€ 3,00 per unit
Heatpack for your shipment (72h)

For protection of seeds at low outside temperatures.

€ 5,50 per unit
Hedgehog Lily (Massonia depressa)

A peculiar plant from South Africa with two leaves and a spiky cluster of flowers in the center. The flowers are pollinated by rodents.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Helens Banana (Musa sp. 'Helens Hybrid')

This variety produces sweet edible banana fruits and can withstand low temperatures when kept at a sheltered place and packed with isolating materials.  

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Henna (Lawsonia inermis)

The red pigment henna has been used for thousands of years for colouring nails, hands and hair. With this plant, you could make your own henna paste!

€ 3,50 per 50 seeds
Hewitt's Aroid (Amorphophallus hewittii)

This very rare arum species grows in the tropical rain forests of Borneo and has one of the biggest inflorescences of the Amorphophallus genus.

€ 8,00 per germinated seed
Himalayan Honeysuckle (Leycesteria formosa)

The trusses of white flowers with purple bracts hang down like earrings. The berries taste like chocolate/caramel-raisins.

€ 3,50 per portion of seeds
Hong Kong Rose (Rhodoleia championii)

A rare, winterhardy species from China with beautiful pink flowers that are naturally pollinated by birds.

€ 3,50 per 5 seeds
Ice-cream bean (Inga edulis)

The white flesh of the pods is very soft and has a sweet taste like vanilla ice cream.

€ 6,00 per 3 seeds
Indian Almond (Terminalia catappa)

The large seeds of this tropical tree are edible and taste like almonds.

€ 3,50 per seed
Indian Banyan (Ficus benghalensis)

The species starts as an epiphyte and produces aerial roots that form into woody stems and thus can take the place of its previous host. Also performs well as a houseplant.

€ 4,00 per portion of seeds
Indian Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)

Beautiful water lily with large leaves and pinky white flowers. The plant can be kept outside, as long as the water around the roots doesn’t freeze.

€ 3,50 per 5 seeds
Indian Sandalwood (Santalum album)

Sandalwood is a wonderfully fragrant type of wood that comes from this small tropical tree from India.

€ 3,50 per 5 seeds
Indian Thorny Bamboo (Bambusa bambos)

A large bamboo from the tropical forests of India, with sharp thorns and stems that fade from black to green. Suitable as a houseplant. 

€ 3,50 per 30 seeds
Injo Passionflower (Passiflora ambigua)

This species has even been grown by the Maya’s for their 5 cm large, orange-yellow edible fruits. The plants can still be found on old Maya temples.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Ivy gourd (Coccinia grandis)

The tindola can be eaten fresh as a cucumber or added as a vegetable to a variety of dishes.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Jack Bean (Canavalia ensiformis)

Possibly the bean from the famous fairy tale of Jack and the Beanstalk. The stark white beans can be eaten. Annual plant.

€ 3,50 per 5 seeds
Jackal Food (Hydnora africana)

Bizarre, parasitic plant from South Africa which only appears above ground with its flowers. The flowers occur with sharp teeth in the video games of Super Mario, but aren’t...

€ 8,00 per 10 seeds
Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus)

The Jackfruit is the largest fruit in the world, and can weigh up to 50 kg. The tree originates in India and the fruits grow directly on the stem.

€ 5,00 per 2 seeds
Jade vine (Strongylodon macrobotrys)

The blue-green, turquoise colour of the flowers looks extraordinary.

€ 22,00 per germinated seed
Jambolan (Syzygium cumini)

The oval fruits ripen from pink to dark purple to black, and have juicy, sweet flesh.

€ 5,00 per 5 germinated seeds
Japanese Pepper (Zanthoxylum piperitum)

Hardy plant from Japan. Fruits and seeds can be used as spice and pepper. For example with Japanse dishes. 

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Jatsalpan (Phyllodium pulchellum)

This medicinal plant has a unique inflorescence with fairly large, green, overlapping bracts.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Javan Cucumber (Alsomitra macrocarpa)

World’s largest winged seeds which can spread themselves over a long distance by floating. 

€ 15,00 per seed
Job's Tears (Coix lacryma-jobi)

In Asia, the seeds are applied as grain and are sometimes used for tea or processed into liquor. It’s an annual plant with grey, pearl-like seeds. 

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Joey Palm (Johannesteijsmannia altifrons)

This might be one of the most spectacular and beautiful palm trees in the world. In the rainforest the enormous fan-shaped leaves grow from the ground up to heights of even 6...

€ 8,00 per 2 seeds
Jungle geranium (Ixora coccinea)

The jungle geranium is a small shrub from India and Sri Lanka that can also bloom easily in a pot.

€ 5,00 per 5 seeds
Kaffir Lime (Citrus hystrix)

The eye-catching leaves of this Citrus species are very aromatic and have a fresh-sweet smell and taste.

€ 5,00 per 5 seeds
Kaka Beak (Clianthus puniceus)

The remarkable red flowers look like the beak of the New Zealand Kaka, a parrot species. Performs well as a container plant. 

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Kaki Persimmon (Diospyros kaki)

The orange-red persimmons ripen in autumn and originate from the Himalayas. The species is hardy and has been cultivated for centuries.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Kalkora Silk Tree (Albizia kalkora)

A rare sleep tree/silk tree with white flowers which is hardy in a sheltered, sunny spot. At night, the leaves of this species fold over and close.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Kapok Tree (Ceiba pentandra)

Kapok is like cotton, but it’s the seed fluff of the kapok tree. A tall, topical tree that performs well as a houseplant.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Kasturi mango (Mangifera casturi)

The Kasturi mango is a delicious, sweet fruit with juicy flesh.

€ 8,00 per seed
Kenda (Macaranga peltata)

The up to 50 cm large leaves of this species have many uses.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Kentia Palm (Howea forsteriana)

The Kentia Palm has been popular as a houseplant since the 19th century, but only occurs naturally on 1 island east of Australia: Lord Howe Island.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
King Anthurium (Anthurium veitchii)

One of the largest and most spectacular Anthurium species.

€ 15,00 per germinated seed
Kiwano (Cucumis metuliferus)

The flesh of the spiny fruits is green and tastes like a blend of banana, cucumber and lemon. They can be freshly eaten with some sugar.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Kluay Pa Banana (Ensete sp. 'Kluay Pa')

A rare species from north-western Thailand with rather short, broad leaves and a coloured midrib. Overwintering is possible at a temperature of at least 5 degrees Celsius.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Kola Nut (Cola nitida)

Formerly, cola was made from the nuts of this plant. And it’s quite possible Coca Cola still uses the cola tree for its secret recipe. It’s a rare, tropical plant from Africa.

€ 8,00 per seed
Kona Coffee (Coffea arabica 'Kona')

Coffee from the Kona district on Hawaii, where fertile volcanic ground provides excellent soil for growing great coffee. It’s one of the most expensive coffee species in the world.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Korean Perilla (Perilla frutescens)

An annual plant with very aromatic leaves that taste like a combination of mint and apple. The leaves can be used as a vegetable in a variety of Korean dishes.

€ 3,50 per 20 seeds
Kukui (Aleurites moluccana)

The kukui or candlenut is used in the Malaysian and Indonesian cuisine. The nuts are very oily, so they can burn like a candle.

€ 4,00 per 2 seeds
Kumbhi Tree (Careya arborea)

The flowers of the kumbhi tree look unusual because of the protruding stamens.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Kusum Tree (Schleichera oleosa)

The seeds of this tree contain a lot of oil and this is known as kusum oil.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Lacy Tree Fern (Cyathea robertsiana)

A graceful tree fern with a thin stem and light green leaves up to 1 meter long. Protect the species from frost and strong wind.

€ 5,00 per portion of spores
Lamba (Curculigo latifolia)

The Lamba is an exceptional houseplant with fascinating characteristics. it grows as a small herbaceous species on the forest floor and produces edible, flavour altering fruits.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Leea (Leea zippeliana)

The up to 25 cm large leaves of this species have an unusual colour pattern.

€ 12,00 per germinated seed
Leea amabilis

The leaves of this rare species look spectacular with a striking pink-white central stripe.

€ 12,00 per germinated seed
Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum)

Cotton has been cultivated for thousands of years for the seed fluff which is used for making textile. It’s an easily kept annual plant.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Lion's Tail (Leonotis leonurus)

This South African species produces orange flowers and can very well be kept as a container plant. A calming tea can be made of the leaves.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Lipstick Palm (Cyrtostachys renda)

This species is seen by many as the most beautiful palm species in the world. This is not only because of its unusual bright red trunk and leaf stem, but the leaves are also...

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

Liquorice is harvested as roots from this small, hardy shrub from western Asia. After three years, the first roots can be harvested.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Long pepper (Piper longum)

The dried fruits of this pepper species are used in many Southeast Asian cuisines.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Maca (Lepidium meyenii)

A biannual plant from the Andes of Peru with thickened belowground parts different kinds of medical implications.

€ 3,50 per portion of seeds
Macadamia (Macadamia integrifolia)

Macadamia nuts are rich in healthy fatty acids and grow on an Australian tree that can be kept as a container plant in temperate climates.

€ 4,50 per 3 seeds
Madagascar Baobab (Adansonia madagascariensis)

This baobab from Madagascar comes with a smooth, brown-grey trunk and remarkable, bright red flowers. 

€ 6,00 per 3 seeds
Madagascar Ghost Tree (Moringa drouhardii)

The Ghost Tree originates from one of the world's most ecologically significant regions: the Madagascar spiny thickets.

€ 6,00 per 3 seeds
Mahogany (Swietenia mahagoni)

The wood of the mahogany is very strong and has a beautiful, dark brown color.

€ 4,00 per 3 seeds
Mandrake (Mandragora officinarum)

The root of mandrake has a rich history in witchcraft, superstition and its medicinal uses. In Harry Potter for instance mandrake is used to neutralize negative spells. Winter...

€ 6,00 per 3 seeds
Manila Palm (Veitchia merrillii)

A beautiful palm from the Philippines with a special trunk and naturally bright red fruits around the end of December. Hence also called Christmas palm. Well suited as a...

Manna Gum (Eucalyptus viminalis)

The most popular eucalyptus with koalas due to the high sugar levels in the juice. In a sheltered, sunny spot hardy to about -15 degrees Celsius.

€ 4,00 per portion of seeds
Maqui (Aristotelia chilensis)

The maqui is from Chile and has been cultivated for centuries by the Mapuche Indians. The berries are healthy and similar in taste to the blackberry.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Marble Berry (Pollia condensata)

These wonderful blue berries reflect the most of all organisms in the world. Therefore they call them the juwels of the forest too. Small plant that can be cultivated as...

€ 8,00 per 3 seeds
Marula (Sclerocarya birrea ssp. caffra)

Well known from the South African liquor Amarula. The fruits can also be eaten fresh and contain 8 x more vitamin C than an orange. Animals love the fruits as well, and...

€ 4,50 per 5 seeds
Maypop Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata)

A hardy passionflower, with flowers in varying in color from pale white to pink and purple. The passionfruits are edible and very delicious.

€ 3,50 per 5 seeds
Medusa's Head (Euphorbia caput-medusae)

The meandering leaves make the plant look like the head of Medusa. It is the host plant of the parasitic plant Hydnora africana in South Africa.

€ 5,00 per 5 seeds
Meratus Alocasia (Alocasia sp. 'Meratus')

This undescribed species comes from the Meratus Mountains in southeastern Borneo.

€ 10,00 per germinated seed
Mexican coriander (Eryngium foetidum)

Mexican coriander is a well-known herb in the kitchens of Central and South America. It is similar in flavor to the common coriander, but with a stronger taste.

€ 3,00 per portion of seeds
Mexican flamevine (Pseudogynoxys chenopodioides)

The Mexican flamevine is an ornamental plant prized for its vibrant flowers. The bright orange flowers appear from late spring to early autumn.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
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