In Peru, a healthy oil is pressed from the seeds full of omega fatty acids and vitamins A and E. A small climbing plant for the home or as an annual in a greenhouse.
The gourd-like fruit of this species bursts with tremendous strength and loud noise apart. The seeds are fired off at a speed of 250 km/h, so that they can spread up to 100...
The beautiful red bracts that surround the yellow flowers make this banana species a very decorative indoor plant. The small orange fruits are not edible.
Large heart-shaped seeds that spread throughout the entire world via the sea currents and originate from the Amazon. One of the most special seed varieties in the world.
The Sri Lanka mango is a rare wild mango species which is not cultivated and found only in Sri Lanka. The mangoes are deliciously juicy and have a sweet taste.
Teak is a very durable tropical hardwood tree from south-east Asia and is used for a variety of wood applications. The leaves are large and haired on the bottom.
The leaves of this species are constantly moving under the influence of light and vibration. This goes so fast that it is visible to the naked eye. Quite a wonderful plant.
The flowers of the plumeria alba are as extraordinary as those of plumeria rubra. The white flowers, with a yellow center, are accompanied by an amazing smell.
The white mango is a popular species in Southeast Asia, prized for its delicious sweet and sour taste and the fact that it is less fibrous than most mango’s.
A small passionflower from the dryer forests of South America with white/purple flowers. Grows well as an indoor or container plant at a minimum of 0 degC.
The flowers emit a lovely scent in the evening, so this species is ideal as a houseplant. The species is especially known for its oil which is extracted from the flowers.