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Here you can find all seeds in alphabetical order. There are filters on the right you can use to easily find species that match your requirements. 

Are you a plant expert? 
Here is a full overview of our product range in Latin and common English names.  

Voodoo Lily (Typhonium venosum)

A bizarre flower from India, that grows from a bulb and is spotted brown and yellow.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Walking Palm (Socratea exorrhiza)

This particular palm has distinctive stilt roots growing out of the trunk.

€ 10,00 per germinated seed
Wanga palm (Pigafetta elata)

This rare palm species is one of the tallest and fastest-growing palms in the world.

€ 6,50 per 1 germinated seed
Water Banana (Typhonodorum lindleyanum)

This aroid grows naturally in muddy streams and lakes, usually standing in the water or in stretches that flood regularly.

€ 9,50 per germinated seed
Wax gourd (Benincasa hispida)

Wax gourds are large fruits from southeast Asia that can be added as a vegetable to all kinds of Asian dishes.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Welwitschia (Welwitschia mirabilis)

Very rare and bizarre plant from the desert of Namibia with two leaves that can grow for more than a thousand years.

€ 10,00 per 2 seeds
Wercklea (Wercklea ferox)

A tropical plant from the rainforest of Costa Rica, with decorative leaves and yellow flowers that have the shape of a windmill.

€ 6,00 per 5 seeds
Western Spice Bush (Calycanthus occidentalis)

The flowers and leaves emit a fragrance that resembles to the smell of red wine. Fully winter-hardy bush.

€ 5,00 per 5 seeds
White Batflower (Tacca integrifolia)

A tropical plant from Southeast Asia, which has peculiar white flowers that resemble the shape of a bat.

€ 4,50 per 10 seeds
White Cacoa (Theobroma bicolor)

The white cocoa tree (or Mocambo) is a special and rare variety of regular cocoa.

€ 8,00 per germinated seed
White Elephant Palm (Kerriodoxa elegans)

The underside of the leaves of this palm is silver-white and that makes it a special appearance.

€ 8,00 per 2 seeds
White frangipani (Plumeria alba)

The flowers of the plumeria alba are as extraordinary as those of plumeria rubra. The white flowers, with a yellow center, are accompanied by an amazing smell.

€ 5,00 per 5 seeds
White Indian Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera 'alba')

A white variety of the pinky/white water lily. The white variety grows the same, and is hardy as long as the water around the roots doesn’t freeze.  

€ 4,50 per 5 seeds
White Kaka Beak (Clianthus puniceus 'alba')

A rare white variety of the red kaka beak. In the wild, this species is almost extinct. Fortunately, the species is cultivated in large worldwide.

€ 6,50 per 10 seeds
White mango (Mangifera caesia)

The white mango is a popular species in Southeast Asia, prized for its delicious sweet and sour taste and the fact that it is less fibrous than most mango’s.

€ 8,00 per seed
White orchid tree (Bauhinia variegata 'candida')

White orchid tree   A plant from India with remarkable, large, white flowers and heart-shaped leaves. The plant can withstand light frost. 5 seeds

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)

The pods of this vine have 4 jagged wings and can be harvested when unripe for consumption.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Winged-stem Passionflower (Passiflora alata)

A small species with reddish purple flowers and yellow orange, delicious passion fruit. The stems are winged.

€ 4,50 per 5 seeds
Wintersweet (Chimonanthus praecox)

Blooms in spring, produces white-yellow flowers which emit a mix of fragrances. Hardy plant.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Woodland Passionflower (Passiflora morifolia)

A small passionflower from the dryer forests of South America with white/purple flowers. Grows well as an indoor or container plant at a minimum of 0 degC.

€ 4,50 per 10 seeds
Yellow Bauhinia (Bauhinia tomentosa)

A tropical plant from southern Africa with bright yellow flowers that attract many butterflies and bees. Older plants can withstand some degrees of frost. 

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Yellow Bird of Paradise Flower (Strelitzia reginae 'Mandela's Gold')

A rare yellow bird of paradise flower, that is named after Nelson Mandela. The minimum temperature of this species is 5 degC.

€ 4,50 per 3 seeds
Yellow Gloriosa Lily (Gloriosa lutea)

A small vine with beautiful lemon-yellow flowers. The species originates from South Africa and can easily been taken care off.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Yellow Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos flavidus 'Yellow')

The yellow flowers are pollinated by birds in Australia which can reach the nectar with their long beaks. A beautiful, compact plant for the patio or balcony. 

€ 4,00 per 20 seeds
Yellow Nickernut (Caesalpinia ciliata)

Rare nickernut used for jewellery and various mancala games. They can be found on beaches.

€ 8,00 per 2 seeds
Yellow Oleander (Thevetia peruviana)

A tropical shrub or small tree, with fragrant yellow flowers and elegant seeds that are also called ‘lucky nuts’.

€ 4,50 per 3 seeds
Yellow pitahaya (Hylocereus megalanthus)

The yellow pitahaya or yellow dragonfruit is a delicious sweet fruit with a yellow peel and white pulp. Easy plant to take care of.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Yellow Tamarillo (Cyphomandra betacea 'yellow')

A yellow variety of the red tree tomato. The fruits resemble tomatoes, and can be scooped or processed just like tomatoes in dishes. An easily kept plant.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis)

The young leaf of the mate plant is used in South America to make a tasty, invigorating drink: mate.

€ 4,00 per 20 seeds
Ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata)

The flowers emit a lovely scent in the evening, so this species is ideal as a houseplant. The species is especially known for its oil which is extracted from the flowers.

€ 4,50 per 10 seeds
Yunnan tea plant (Camellia taliensis)

This tea plant from Yunnan has larger leaves than the common tea plant and is best known for Pu'er tea.

€ 6,00 per 3 seeds
Za baobab (Adansonia za)

Most common baobab species on Madagascar. The trunk can reach up to 40 metres height with a width of 6 metres.  

€ 6,00 per 5 seeds
Zulu Giant (Stapelia gigantea)

This carrion flower produces yellow-red flowers of up to 40cm large: the largest of all Stapelia flowers! An easy succulent for a sunny spot.

€ 4,50 per 5 seeds
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