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This Ptychosperma is an elegantly pinnate palm from the tropical forests of the Solomon Islands.
The queen among the Anthurium species with very long, large leaves.
Quite a tropical tree fern, with a thin trunk, which originates from the cloud forests of Queensland in Australia.
The large leaflet at the end having a distinctive shape reminiscent of a butterfly.
The red durian is considered the tastiest variety of durian.
The red-fleshed durian is a rare and striking durian from the tropics of Southeast Asia.
The bright red flowers of this rare climbing plant are quite spectacular and appear in large, hanging clusters.
The bright red fruits have shiny scales and thus resemble snakeskin.
The leaf can reach a size of up to 2 metres in the wild and is soft to the touch with velvety hair.
The leaves of this species develop rather large, irregularly shaped holes in later life.
An incredibly beautiful and rare tropical climbing plant from the Réunion island with up to 40 cm large flower clusters.
The sand palm is an unusual, graceful and above all rare species from Madagascar.
The black berries have a sweet flavour and are high in antioxidants and minerals.
The young leaves are coloured red-orange with light and dark spots, resembling stained glass.
These leaves can grow up to 2 metres long and only 6 cm wide, so the species does well as a hanging plant.
This baobab species is from the most northern area of Madagascar and only has a few small populations left.
The spathe and petioles of this species are very mottled, which is why the plant was named after a snakeskin.
This is a very rare species from the west of the island of New Guinea. The leaves have a special nervature, are elongated and can become quite large.
This is a rare Syzygium species from the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia.
The long leaves of this rare Syzygium species have a distinctive vein.
This rare and exceptional species produces the largest unbranched inflorescence in the world.
The inflorescence is mainly white-green in colour, but a dark mottled pattern is usually visible around the spathe.
This rare Arisaema species is found in the rainforests of Indonesia.
This small-growing species has glossy, waxy leaves with a distinctive pattern.
The Vietnamese Paradise Palm is a rare palm species that is endangered in the wilde and has beautiful spotted fan-shaped leaves that can grow up to 1 m wide.
This particular palm has distinctive stilt roots growing out of the trunk.
This rare palm species is one of the tallest and fastest-growing palms in the world.
This aroid grows naturally in muddy streams and lakes, usually standing in the water or in stretches that flood regularly.
Very rare and bizarre plant from the desert of Namibia with two leaves that can grow for more than a thousand years.
The white cocoa tree (or Mocambo) is a special and rare variety of regular cocoa.
The underside of the leaves of this palm is silver-white and that makes it a special appearance.
A rare white variety of the red kaka beak. In the wild, this species is almost extinct. Fortunately, the species is cultivated in large worldwide.
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