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World map / South America


Suriname Cherry (Eugenia uniflora)

The Surinamese cherry is a 3 cm large berry with juicy, sweet and sour flesh.

€ 6,00 per 5 seeds
Tabacco (Nicotiana tabacum)

The actual tabacco plant, of which tabacco has been produced for over hundreds of years.  It is a decorative plant with big leaves (up to 60 cm), that grows well as an annual...

€ 3,50 per 50 seeds
Tamarillo (Cyphomandra betacea)

The fruits colour to red on ripening, have yellow flesh and can be scooped or processed just like tomatoes in dishes. The species originates from the Andes. 

€ 3,50 per 20 seeds
Touch-me-not Plant (Mimosa pudica)

An interesting plant to grow indoors, with small leaves that fold inward when touched or shaken. The movement is so fast that it scares away herbivores.

€ 3,50 per 20 seeds
Tree Passion Flower (Passiflora macrophylla)

A rare passion flower from the jungles of Ecuador that grows as a tree instead of a climber. The tropical tree can grow leaves up to 1 metre long! Can be kept in a pot.

€ 8,00 per 5 seeds
Tree Philodendron (Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum)

A very decorative species that originates from the south of South-America.

€ 4,00 per 20 seeds
Vanilla Orchid (Vanilla planifolia)

Vanilla is made from the fruits of the vanilla orchid. A tropical climbing vine from Mexico that can be kept in a heated greenhouse.

€ 8,00 per portion of seeds
Victoria Water Lily (Victoria amazonica)

The leaf of this enormous water lily can grow up to 2 meters wide and bear 40 kg. The large flowers smell like pineapple and bloom for two nights.

€ 15,00 per 5 seeds
Walking Palm (Socratea exorrhiza)

This particular palm has distinctive stilt roots growing out of the trunk.

€ 10,00 per germinated seed
Wercklea (Wercklea ferox)

A tropical plant from the rainforest of Costa Rica, with decorative leaves and yellow flowers that have the shape of a windmill.

€ 6,00 per 5 seeds
White Cacoa (Theobroma bicolor)

The white cocoa tree (or Mocambo) is a special and rare variety of regular cocoa.

€ 8,00 per germinated seed
White frangipani (Plumeria alba)

The flowers of the plumeria alba are as extraordinary as those of plumeria rubra. The white flowers, with a yellow center, are accompanied by an amazing smell.

€ 5,00 per 5 seeds
Winged-stem Passionflower (Passiflora alata)

A small species with reddish purple flowers and yellow orange, delicious passion fruit. The stems are winged.

€ 4,50 per 5 seeds
Woodland Passionflower (Passiflora morifolia)

A small passionflower from the dryer forests of South America with white/purple flowers. Grows well as an indoor or container plant at a minimum of 0 degC.

€ 4,50 per 10 seeds
Yellow Nickernut (Caesalpinia ciliata)

Rare nickernut used for jewellery and various mancala games. They can be found on beaches.

€ 8,00 per 2 seeds
Yellow Oleander (Thevetia peruviana)

A tropical shrub or small tree, with fragrant yellow flowers and elegant seeds that are also called ‘lucky nuts’.

€ 4,50 per 3 seeds
Yellow pitahaya (Hylocereus megalanthus)

The yellow pitahaya or yellow dragonfruit is a delicious sweet fruit with a yellow peel and white pulp. Easy plant to take care of.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Yellow Tamarillo (Cyphomandra betacea 'yellow')

A yellow variety of the red tree tomato. The fruits resemble tomatoes, and can be scooped or processed just like tomatoes in dishes. An easily kept plant.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis)

The young leaf of the mate plant is used in South America to make a tasty, invigorating drink: mate.

€ 4,00 per 20 seeds
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