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Tropical / Easy

These tropical speces germinate easily and are suitable as indoor plants.

African Baobab (Adansonia digitata)

The only baobab from mainland Africa with a thick trunk for water storage. Performs well as a houseplant too.

€ 3,50 per 5 seeds
Black Peanut (Arachis hypogaea 'Black')

This peanut plant produces peanuts with a black cover. Interesting to see and sweet tasting.

€ 3,50 per 5 seeds
Buddha Belly Plant (Jatropha podagrica)

This unusual succulent forms a thick, belly-shaped stem and striking red-yellow flowers.

€ 5,00 per 3 seeds
Cheese Plant (Monstera deliciosa)

The cheese plant grows naturally in Central America as an epiphyte in trees. Seedlings grow towards the dark instead of light as they are looking for a tree to climb up.

€ 4,00 per 5 germinated seeds
Climbing Onion (Bowiea volubilis)

The climbing onion has a peculiar climbing growth from a large green-brown bulb. Sugar reservoirs and water are stored in this bulb to survive drought periods.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Cocoa (Theobroma cacao)

Cocoa beans are the main ingredient for chocolate. They grow in a white pulp within the cocoafruit which grows on the stem of the cocoa tree. Can nicely be grown as an indoor...

€ 6,00 per 5 germinated seeds
Curry Tree (Murraya koenigii)

The leaves of the curry tree are used in the Indian kitchen to make curries. The leaves can best be eaten fresh, and the plant can be grown as an indoor plant.

€ 6,00 per 3 germinated seeds
Elephant Yam (Amorphophallus paeoniifolius)

Overwhelmingly beautiful flower that looks like the famous giant arum in botanical gardens, but can easily be grown.

€ 6,00 per 3 germinated seeds
Jungle geranium (Ixora coccinea)

The jungle geranium is a small shrub from India and Sri Lanka that can also bloom easily in a pot.

€ 5,00 per 5 seeds
Kapok Tree (Ceiba pentandra)

Kapok is like cotton, but it’s the seed fluff of the kapok tree. A tall, topical tree that performs well as a houseplant.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Korean Perilla (Perilla frutescens)

An annual plant with very aromatic leaves that taste like a combination of mint and apple. The leaves can be used as a vegetable in a variety of Korean dishes.

€ 3,50 per 20 seeds
Patawa (Oenocarpus bataua)

A tropical Amazonian palm with purple fruits that taste like sweet chocolate and contain an oil that resembles olive oil.

€ 4,00 per 3 seeds
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea)

Grows quite pretty in a glass jar on the windowsill. Peanuts grow underground on stalks that grow from the flowers. 

€ 2,50 per 10 seeds
Pod Mahogany (Afzelia quanzensis)

The red-black seeds of this South African species are often used for necklaces and bracelets. A mixture of the roots and the bark would bring hunters luck.

€ 4,50 per 5 seeds
Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mangle)

The red mangrove is easy to keep as an aquarium or terrarium plant, but also grows well in a glass vase.

€ 8,00 per seed
Suriname Cherry (Eugenia uniflora)

The Surinamese cherry is a 3 cm large berry with juicy, sweet and sour flesh.

€ 5,00 per 5 seeds
Tabacco (Nicotiana tabacum)

The actual tabacco plant, of which tabacco has been produced for over hundreds of years.  It is a decorative plant with big leaves (up to 60 cm), that grows well as an annual...

€ 3,50 per 50 seeds
Thuthuvalai (Solanum trilobatum)

The thuthuvalai is a well-known medicinal plant in India.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Touch-me-not Plant (Mimosa pudica)

An interesting plant to grow indoors, with small leaves that fold inward when touched or shaken. The movement is so fast that it scares away herbivores.

€ 3,00 per 20 seeds
Traveller's Palm (Ravenala madagascariensis)

A special houseplant with fan shaped leaves. Travellers in Madagascar could use the plant as drinking water and as a compass.

€ 4,00 per 10 seeds
Velvet Bean (Mucuna pruriens)

The seeds have an important role in Hindu medicine, and grow in pods with velvety soft hairs. It is a tropical climbing plant that also grows well as an annual plant.

€ 3,50 per 5 seeds
Wax gourd (Benincasa hispida)

Wax gourds are large fruits from southeast Asia that can be added as a vegetable to all kinds of Asian dishes.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds
Wercklea (Wercklea ferox)

A tropical plant from the rainforest of Costa Rica, with decorative leaves and yellow flowers that have the shape of a windmill.

€ 4,00 per 5 seeds
Yellow pitahaya (Hylocereus megalanthus)

The yellow pitahaya or yellow dragonfruit is a delicious sweet fruit with a yellow peel and white pulp. Easy plant to take care of.

€ 3,50 per 10 seeds

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