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Catura Coffee (Coffea arabica 'catura')
Catura Coffee (Coffea arabica 'catura')

Catura Coffee (Coffea arabica 'catura')

Catura coffee has become quite popular with coffee producers the last few years, because the taste is pretty good, the yields are high and the plants can be cultivated in full sun. That means that there aren’t any trees required on the coffee plantations to provide shelter against the sun, which is why they can be harvested more easily. Als.. Read more
Price per 10 seeds
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Product description

Catura coffee has become quite popular with coffee producers the last few years, because the taste is pretty good, the yields are high and the plants can be cultivated in full sun. That means that there aren’t any trees required on the coffee plantations to provide shelter against the sun, which is why they can be harvested more easily. Also, the plants stay quite small, making them ideal as a houseplant. It’s a variety of the well-known Arabica coffee species.

Sowing description: First soak the seeds in lukewarm water for 48 hours. Then sow with the flat side down in sowing mix. Let them germinate at 25 degC and keep the soil constantly moist.


Product specification

Scientific name:
Coffea arabica 'catura'
Common name:
Catura coffee
Native to:
Sowing time:
All year round
Difficulty level:
Minimum temperature:
10 degrees Celsius

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Product specification

Scientific name:
Coffea arabica 'catura'
Common name:
Catura coffee
Native to:
Sowing time:
All year round
Difficulty level:
Minimum temperature:
10 degrees Celsius
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on the basis of 4 reviews


Het kiemen duurde bij mij wat lang, maar ondanks dat ik het water geven wat verwaarloosd had en mijn kamer vrij koud was is toch de helft gekiemd.
Ik ben tevreden!


Van alle koffiesoorten de enige die is opgekomen. Alles zaadjes zijn opgekomen en ik heb ze verdeeld onder plantjesvrienden. We hadden vorig jaar allemaal 3 tot 4 bloemetjes, ik geen bessen, maar anderen 3. Dit jaar heb ik honderden bloemen en heb ik alle hoop dat ik een eigen gegroeide en gebrande bak kan zetten


Na enkele maanden nog geen tekenen van leven.


Dit jaar voor het eerst gezaaid. Ontkiemt makkelijk. Bijna alle bonen zijn uitgekomen.