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Joey Palm (Johannesteijsmannia altifrons) Joey Palm (Johannesteijsmannia altifrons) Joey Palm (Johannesteijsmannia altifrons)
Joey Palm (Johannesteijsmannia altifrons)
Joey Palm (Johannesteijsmannia altifrons)
Joey Palm (Johannesteijsmannia altifrons)

Joey Palm (Johannesteijsmannia altifrons)

This is perhaps one of the most beautiful and spectacular palms in the world. In the rainforest, the huge fan-shaped leaves grow from the ground up to a height of sometimes 6 meters, making them nothing short of spectacular. It is a rare species found in mountain forests of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia; from an altitude of about 300 meters. T.. Read more
€ 8,00
Price per 2 seeds
In stock Expected processing time: 1-3 working days
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Product description

This is perhaps one of the most beautiful and spectacular palms in the world. In the rainforest, the huge fan-shaped leaves grow from the ground up to a height of sometimes 6 meters, making them nothing short of spectacular. It is a rare species found in mountain forests of Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia; from an altitude of about 300 meters. There, the palm grows along slopes in the lower layer of the rainforest. Because of this, the palm likes a location without direct sunlight and especially high humidity. A heated greenhouse would be ideal for growth, but it is also possible to grow this special species as an indoor plant. Make sure the location is warm and water the leaves regularly if the humidity drops below 70%. In addition, the species likes a well-drained soil with organic material. The soil can be kept slightly moist constantly and should not become too wet (and therefore not too dry either). Also, the roots of the plant are sensitive to disturbance, so repotting the plant must be done very carefully. Due to a taproot, it is advisable to take a deep pot and sow the seeds in a relatively large pot, so that the young plant does not need to be repotted immediately. 

The plant genus is named after the botanist Johannes Teijsmann. 

Sowing instruction: Soak seeds for a few hours in lukewarm water and sow shallowly in an airy mixture of seed soil, sand and Sphagnum moss (1:1:1). Keep soil slightly moist constantly (cover with foil or glass) and store at 25-35grC. Germination usually within a few weeks, but can follow as long as the seeds are hard. 


Product specification

Scientific name:
Johannesteijsmannia altifrons
Common name:
Joey Palm
Native to:
Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia
Sowing time:
All year round
Difficulty level:
Minimum temperature:
10 degrees Celsius

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Product specification

Scientific name:
Johannesteijsmannia altifrons
Common name:
Joey Palm
Native to:
Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia
Sowing time:
All year round
Difficulty level:
Minimum temperature:
10 degrees Celsius
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on the basis of 5 reviews


Out of three seeds I received one was broken on the outside and didn’t make it. That was probably the post office’s fault. The other two started sprouting recently.

Martin Reijnaerts

Na diverse pogingen eindelijk een zaad dat gekiemd is.
Inmiddels begint het een mooi eerste blad te vormen en is het overgebracht naar een eigen grotere pot


I ordered joey palm seeds, they arrived earlier than i expected. Seeds were fresh and in excellent condition, both of them were already sprouting. Packaging was also in great condition. Am so happy to receive these. Thank you very much for your services Onszaden. I will definitely be shopping at this store again. Greetings from Canada.


1 zaadje gekiemt na enkele maanden en heeft inmiddels een mooi groot blad. Nog 1 zaadje zit in de propogator. Wie weet komt die ook nog uit.

Mijn advies zou zijn om ze in een pot van 20cm diep te zaaien aangezien de penwortel vrij diep gaat en ze schijnen gevoelig te zijn voor beschadiging.

Jimmie Zeelenberg

Het zaad ontkiemde na 2 maanden. Een langzame groeier maar het eerste blad ziet er veel belovend uit!