In Central Africa this plant is known as a bitter tasting vegetable and is also used for various medicinal purposes. In Congo the leaf is eaten against diabetes, prepared by frying it without oil and salt. In many African countries the leaf is also boiled or added to stews. Many components of the leaf have disinifecting properties and are said to stimulate the immune system. Furthermore, it is used to cure diarrhoea, rheumatism and snake bites. Overall, this is a plant with many uses that grows well as an annual. It is a fast grower so that the maximum height of 60 centimetres is quickly reached. At this height, the plant flowers with edible white flowers with extraordinary purple stamens. This can become an invasive species in tropical areas, so this plant can only be grown in temperate climates with a cold period to prevent invasive spreading.
Sowing description: Sprinkle the seeds over growing soil and cover very lightly with more soil. Keep the soil continously moistened and place the container on a light place to germinate at a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius during daytime and 15-20 degrees at night. The plants can go outside in May/June.