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Aroid (Amorphophallus asper) Aroid (Amorphophallus asper)
Aroid (Amorphophallus asper)
Aroid (Amorphophallus asper)

Aroid (Amorphophallus asper)

A rare species with small populations in the rainforests of Sumatra in Indonesia. The inflorescence can grow to about 1.5 metres high and consists of a green spathe and a cream-coloured spadix. An unpleasant smell attracts flies and beetles that can pollinate the flowers. After pollination, red berries are formed, each containing 1 seed. The leaf.. Read more
Price per germinated seed
In stock Expected processing time: 1-3 working days
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Product description

A rare species with small populations in the rainforests of Sumatra in Indonesia. The inflorescence can grow to about 1.5 metres high and consists of a green spathe and a cream-coloured spadix. An unpleasant smell attracts flies and beetles that can pollinate the flowers. After pollination, red berries are formed, each containing 1 seed. The leaf has a spotted petiole and is followed each time by a larger leaf from an underground tuber. Thus, the plant has 1 leaf at a time with an umbrella-like shape. 

Usually once a year, the plant goes dormant, during which no leaves will be visible for some time. During this period, it is important to water less, but not let the soil become completely dry. The tuber will sprout again on its own. Provide a light spot without direct sunlight and a well-drained soil with organic material. The optimal growing temperature is between 25 and 30grC, but the species also does well at room temperature. However, a higher temperature may be needed to initiate flowering. 

Sowing description: The already germinated seed can be further grown directly in well-drained soil with organic material. Keep the soil constantly slightly moist and the temperature at least 20°C in the first phase. 

Product specification

Scientific name:
Amorphophallus asper
Common name:
Native to:
Sumatra, Indonesia
Sowing time:
All year round
Difficulty level:
Minimum temperature:
12 degrees Celsius

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Product specification

Scientific name:
Amorphophallus asper
Common name:
Native to:
Sumatra, Indonesia
Sowing time:
All year round
Difficulty level:
Minimum temperature:
12 degrees Celsius
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on the basis of 2 reviews

Mieke Roth

We zijn 3,5 maand verder en deze groeit de pan uit. Vier bladeren ondertussen en het einde is nog niet in zicht. Het zou een gemiddelde moeilijkheidsgraad zijn, maar de amorphophalluszaden die ik gekocht heb doen het eigenlijk van alle zaden die ik bij onszaden besteld heb, het makkelijkst. Wel een waarschuwing: plant de ontkiemde zaden gelijk in een 2 liter pot. Want 7x7 of 9x9 is echt heel erg snel te klein. Ik heb deze vandaag in de 2 liter pot gezet, maar ik vermoed dat ik ze nog een keer moet verpotten voor hij in rust gaat. De wortels kwamen zeker al meer dan een maand uit de onderkant van de pot.

Mieke Roth

18 december besteld, kwam al vrij snel. De zaailing zelf was nog sneller, zodra ik het had opgepot begon het te groeien. We zijn nu een maand verder en de plant doet het uitstekend. Staat in een verwarmde propagator, ongeveer 26 graden